• Name : Alexandra -Alex- Lippi
    Age : 17
    Type of Student/Professor of class ________ : Royal
    Faceclaim : Vittoria Ceretti

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  • : Alicia Leighton Macintyre

  • [ Name ] : Alicia Leighton Macintyre

    [ Age ] : 17

    [ Alias ] : Alicia, Alice(only to people close to her)

    [ Sexual Orientation ] :straight

    [ Pronouns/Gender ] : She, Her, Female

    [ Type of Student/Class Professor ] : Handmaid

    [ Type of Royal ] : royal court only

    [ Country belonging/servant/handmaid/defender to ] :Asteria

    [ Country’s background ] : royal court only

    [ Likes ] : Her mother, reading, singing, flowers in her hair, free time, animals, dancing barefoot in the grass, learning different cultures, daydreaming, baking

    [ Dislikes ] :her father, rain, staying indoors, being shy around boys, being seen as the help, conflict, fire, bugs, sweeping

    [ Weaknesses ] :Being shy, avoids conflict, can’t fight

    [ Strengths ] :smart, well read, obeys orders

    [ Secret No Other Character Knows About: ] be creative, make it juicy She is the illegitimate daughter of King Francis of Asteria. Her mother died mysteriously in a house fire, when Alicia was 15. King Francis ordered the girl to be in the court’s custody to keep her safe. Alicia thinks it was King Francis’ goons that set the fire because her mother was trying to blackmail him.

    [ Personality ] :She is very meek and shy. She hates conflict so she obeys orders. She gets excellent marks in her classes. She is extremely smart and always has a book with her. She was loyal to her mother. She hates King Francis but Asteria is all she knows.She can often be heard singing while doing her chores and while shes baking.

    [ Bio ] :Alicia was born to Madge Macintyre and King Francis in a secret cottage near the egde of Asteria’s borders.
    Her mother was a lady in waiting to the late Queen Lenabut after she told the king she was pregnant she was banished to the cottage where Alicia spent the first 15 years of her life. She was out riding their horse Derry when she saw the smoke. She couldn’t get there in time and the flames were too high burring her mother into the rubble.
    Alicia knew her mother was in contact with the King. She kept on saying Alicia would be recognized as royalty.
    She is now going to the academy with the others along with her half-brother. Alicia does her work with a smile, but on the inside she is seething. King Francis better hope she doesn’t get the strength to comfort him.

    Faceclaim: Daga Ziober

    [ Taken By ] : @Followyourbliss

  • @bloodystilinski @spacelava the royal spots are already filled I apologize you guys could hold a handmaid or defender spot or if you don't like those wait for those spots to fill up so I can add more spots to everything

  • alt text


    [ Name ] :
    Townes Lake
    [ Age ] :
    [ Alias ] :
    [ Sexual Orientation ] :
    [ Pronouns/Gender ] :
    [ Type of Student/Class Professor ] :
    [ Country belonging/servant/handmaid/defender to ] :
    gonna wait to plot this with someone

    [ Likes ] :
    Mac & Cheese..even the toughest of defenders can’t ignore it
    Dueling, the feeling of winning a fight even the most insignificant ones is enough for her
    Swords they are most practical fighting tool though she will say only a fool would rely on them
    Sleep…she doesn’t get much but she loves it so much

    [ Dislikes ] :
    Entitled Royals..she can’t stand when they feel like they are more important than the prince
    Meatloaf honestly who in their right mind actually likes it
    Running she might have to do it but it doesn’t mean she has to like it

    [ Weaknesses ] :
    The amount of training she does. It over exhausts her body.
    The prince what can she say she’s a woman in love
    Her parents. She loves her family to death and will do anything protect them including giving her life for theirs

    [ Strengths ] :
    Her resilience. No matter what situation she is in whether in training, class, or life she will find a way out!
    Her knowledge. Growing up around her parents, she learned a lot from a young age. It’s one of the reasons she is way more advanced than her classmates.
    Her ability to keep a straight head through even the foggiest of places. Nothing can shake her concentration nor can fear paralyze her.

    [ Secret No Other Character Knows About: ]
    One reason Townes is so protective of Prince _____. Is because she loves him. Not a family love or even silly puppy love. No this is the real deal. She’s madly, irrevocably smitten for him. Though she’d never let him or anyone else know that.

    [ Personality ] :
    Watching her parents guard the king and queen has made her extremely proud. She hopes that one day she can live up to their reputations. There’s just one problem. She might be a little too serious about her job. There’s no such thing as slacking off for her. She follows her parents’ lead, never leaving the prince's side.
    She can sometimes come off a bit how shall I put this…annoying. Townes doesn’t give a fuck about what others think. The only opinions that matter are that of her parents’ and the king and queen. Townes will stop at nothing to make sure the prince is safe at all costs. She trains day and night, even when she’s supposed to be sleeping. Making sure she’s prepared is way more important than her actual sleep. She frequently over works herself on accident.
    She can come off as bitchy to others mostly because she is so careful about making sure the prince is safe, she doesn’t have time for pleasantries. Townes is especially famous for her nonchalant expressions. She never radiates any emotions apart from a blank stare, furry rippling through her eyes, and a wildly intimidating glare. Her peers have nicknamed her ‘Mortifer’ which means deathly in latin. If truth be told she actually loves the nickname. It makes her feel like a badass, it does wonders for her ego. Which is already way too big for her own good. She knows she’s good, what’s the point in pretending?

    [ Bio ] :
    Townes is apart of the famous Lake family. They have been in the position of the top defenders. They guard the King and Queen. Townes’ parents are guarding the current King and Queen of _____ (got to plot with a royal character). As expected Townes has been at the _______ (country plotted) prince’s, ________ , (plotted royal prince) side since birth. The Lakes have always been close and trusted friends of the royal family. They not only guard them but also live in the palace with them. Townes grew up as an only child and having the prince who is also an only child by her side helped them grow an unbreakable bond. They are as close as any two best friends can ever get. Townes doesn’t really mind her family job. She actually loves it. This has been her entire life.

    [ Taken By ] :



    “The Doer”

    Name : Romeo North

    Face Claim : Avan Jorgia

    Age : 19

    Student Type : Defender

    Quick Bio :

    Romeo isn’t exactly the model citizen. Can he fight his ass off? Yes. Is he loyal? Yes. Can he control his temper? No. He spends most of his free time lingering in the detention hall writing lines. Not that he complains that much. It gives him an excuse not to talk to anyone. Sometimes he even gets in trouble on purpose. His parents thought maybe sending him to Saint Ivy’s would straighten him out. Jokes on them. The defender’s professors could care less as long as they hone their physical and tactical skills. You can, however, see him hanging around with some of the should he put it.. annoying defenders. This year he is taking Combat Arts 105. Which coincidentally so is Townes. The moment they meet is the moment his life changes forever.



  • @filthysoul that's alright, i'll make my girl a defender then 😄

  • [Name] : Avery Oakley
    [Age] : 18
    [Type of Student] : Handmaid
    [Faceclaim] : Tiarnie Coupland

    I have never roleplayed before (I hope that's ok!) but I really want to give it a try 😊

  • @dreamfortress of course it's okay! I just started rping on here so if you need any help or have any questions just dm me!

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  • @filthysoul Awesome thanks, I appreciate it!

  • Auditions will end on the 2nd!

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  • I have opened up 2 spots to all types of students!

  • @filthysoul
    Name : Kateryna Olena Davidovich
    Age : Eighteen
    Type of Student/Professor of class ________ : Royal
    Faceclaim : Antonina Vasylchenko

    Since the spots have opened I'll reserve it again ☺

  • @bloodystilinski that's perfectly fine !

  • Remember to get your auditions and sets in!

  • @filthysoul So we just have to post our auditions (and accompanying sets) by July 2nd?

  • @mormon-girl yup!

  • audition set

    [ Name ] : Avery Oakley

    [ Age ] : 18

    [ Alias ] :

    [ Sexual Orientation ] : Bisexual

    [ Pronouns/Gender ] : She/her

    [ Type of Student/Class Professor ] : Handmaid

    [ Type of Royal ] : royal court only

    [ Country belonging/servant/handmaid/defender to ] :

    [ Country’s background ] : royal court only

    [ Likes ] : Reading – especially historical novels and poetry.
    Music – she is a self-taught violinist, and loves listening to music.
    Nature – Avery is most at peace outdoors, in the fresh air, among plants and insects and birds. She loves going on nature walks, gardening, and keeping houseplants and succulents all over her room.

    [ Dislikes ] : Snooty royals. She acts polite, but inside, she just can’t suppress her irritation at the high-and-mightiness of some of them.
    Parties and dances. All that social pressure… No. Thank. You. Not that she gets many invites, fortunately.
    Coffee. It’s overrated. Tea is obviously the superior hot drink.

    [ Strengths ] : Her passion and determination. If she takes an interest in, or wants to achieve something, she’ll put her everything into it.
    Her compassion. Though usually one to stand in the background, she is unabashedly outspoken if she feels someone needs sticking up for, and would take risks and make sacrifices for her loved ones without hesitation.

    [ Weaknesses ] : Social situations. She can come across as a bit socially awkward. She struggles with knowing when and how to speak – often alternating between staying too quiet, and saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. She’s also hopeless at picking up social cues, especially flirting.

    [ Secret No Other Character Knows About: ] Avery has a debilitating fear of water. As a young child, she watched her mother drown during a family fishing trip, and it continues haunt her and fuel her nightmares. Due to her refusal to enter water, Avery has never learnt to swim, which ironically only worsens her fear.

    [ Personality ] : Avery is a quiet girl, and can be apprehensive in new situations. She is very soft-hearted, caring deeply for those close to her and hating to see others in distress (including animals). She does come out of her shell when she passionately disagrees with something.

    [ Bio ] : Avery is an only child, and was brought up for most of her childhood by a solo father after her mother’s death. From a young age, she had to take over the traditional feminine role in the household. Her father was kept busy as the sole breadwinner, and was unable to afford a housekeeper, so Avery quickly had to learn to clean, cook, and do other chores. Avery’s father home-schooled her, and she excelled at reading. Not going to school, Avery found little opportunity to socialize with kids her age and make friends. Though having always been shy by nature, she blames her lonely upbringing for the severity of her social anxieties. The world of Saint Ivy’s will be a very different experience for her…

    [ Taken By ] : @dreamfortress

    Audition set


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