20th May Update: Text Feature

  • @emcf3548 I am not sure what that is about with Chicvore and do not have access to the Polyvore Friends Unite Facebook page. As with any request for personal information, it is always good to err on the side of caution.
    Hope you are well today too.


    This post is deleted!
  • URSTYLE Team

    @bboles3984 thank you for reporting this issue and no worries, we will fix this. What browser do you use? 🙂

  • @olivpear thank you so much! I have a MacBook so I use Safari.

  • @affton yes u have 2 b careful who u give ur info 2.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @emcf3548 hmmm, that wouldn't make sense though, because NonSense has all our information anyway. When they took over PV, they took every molecule of our data, including names and emails. This bears some more research and thank you for bringing this up. There are several Polyvore Facebook Pages now and I'm on a few of them and we hear from Chicvore every now and then. They give us a few updates but that's about it. They're still inviting people to join. If I here anything about this I'll let you know.

  • Magazine Look

    You could opt out of giving them your data. That's what a lot of people did. Me included.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @breakofdawn Well, even if you decide to opt out with NoSense, it just means they won't make your info public on their Site. It doesn't mean they've gotten rid of the the data they originally took from Polyvore. They own all of it, including any private information that was made known in our PV Accounts. So they really woulnd't need to gain access to it by soliciting another Moodboard. They also don't "delete" accounts when people want to leave their Site, they "deactivate" them. This means they still archive all the data every member provides for them. While deactivation is done by many Sites on the Internet, people often don't understand the difference between delete and deactivate. Basically, the Internet isn't safe and it never really has been, especially when you're using Moodboards (no offense to URSTYLE) . Their job is advertising and their basic Terms and Conditions (all Moodboards) state they can't protect anything we create (Sets/Colletctions/Items) or any Intellectual Property we may upload from being taken by someone else.

    That being said, let's say a Moodboard like Trendme sells their site to another company. It's very possible that the members would find themselves in the same situation as Polyvore: No prior warning and another "Money for Data" Backdoor Deal depending on the integrity (or lack thereof) of the CEO's doing the exchange. In many cases (because this isn't the first time this has happened with Internet Sites merging or being bought out), not even the employees would know what's going down until after the fact. So there is risk having our creativity in an open market like this where copyright laws are murky at best. We just have to decide if that risk is worth the participation and take as many safety measures as we can on our own to preserve our information

  • @olivpear Will there be a way to have paragraphs in the text that you write for you set? Right now when you create a set you have to give it a title & (optional) add a description. Right now the paragraphs that I have (and the like) disappear once I've published a set (picture below as an example).

    It isn't the biggest issue (!) but it would make it look a lot less messy.

    Anyways I'm amazed by all the things you and you're team have done to make Urstyle a place for us to reconnect and the like ☺

  • @olivpear so a little update about the collection issue I brought up. (About after making a certain amount of collections earlier ones stopped showing up in the drop down when you go to add things). I downloaded Chrome and it's a problem there as well.

  • URSTYLE Team

    @bloodystilinski thank you for your idea, this is a nice one. We will definitely think about improving TEXT feature ♥


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