14th May Update


    @affton it was same

  • @izzystarsparkle I could not find your profile. The site that we are using to find profiles did not capture your profile. Some profiles are not there. Sorry.


    @affton I really appreciate you so much for trying!!!😊

  • You guys are the absolute best! xxxx

  • Thank you!
    PLEASEEEEE put a button to delete collection 😄 ❤

  • Magazine Look

    The time stamp for drafts is once again BROKEN can it be please permanently fixed???????? It´s hard enough to finish a set without being able to upload what I need (I can live with that when I know clipper is coming) but it´s maddening to finally finish a draft only to find out it´s posted kilometer down the line with yesterdays stuff.
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  • URSTYLE Team

    @petri5 I am really sorry for that. We are aware of this problem, it is marked as a high priority bug and is waiting for being fixed. I have just displayed your beautiful set on the Home Page, I hope you like it. Have a nice Sunday! ♥

  • Decor Amour

    @petri5 This is an ongoing problem. It happened to me with the last draft I published. I am hesitant to use the draft feature until I know this issue is permanently fixed.

  • Magazine Look

    @olivpear Thank you Oli, that is very sweet of you and I appreciate it greatly, you just caught me in the middle of trying to recreate that particular set for more actual posting (so I don´t need to do that now).
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  • Twisted Gypsies

    @affton from what I understand from my own experience, it's difficult to get all of our Items back at once. The company (and I don't mention the name because it will link to the site)that took over PV stole all that Item data as well and unless they include it in recovering our Sets through them or some other site uploaded the Items we all Collected prior to this takeover we're only going to be able to find them on Google, on Pinterest and on our own Websites and we can only download them one at a time unless we have some kind of a Clipper.

    You can Google "Polyvore Art Effects" and Google will give you a starting point from where to view and save lost Items but it takes time. I spent 5 weeks tracking down a lot of the Items I lost and I'm still not done. It's a time consuming process but I'm not gonna lose them again to any site. There are some I'll never be able to find but Google has plenty of them and more. Pinterest does also.

  • @rainheartart Some members have been able to access their Polyvore profiles using an internet archive program. I was to access mine but the info was very dated so not too helpful. For others it has been helpful and they have been able to access some of their collections with the items that they can then upload (one by one) to URSTYLE. Everyone is determining what is best for them to replace their items, Member Emcf3548 has been able to identify a number of Polyvore collections that are available through this archive program. The items still have to be uploaded one at a time. https://urstyle.com/topic/1511959/polyvore-s-items-source?page=1

    I saved a large number of animal images from one of these archived Polyvore collections.today. Lots of png and tube images. I saved them to Pinterest and will upload to URSTYLE when that function is available again. Then I will add them to a collection for all URSTYLE members to use.

  • Twisted Gypsies

    @affton yes, I've been to the Wayback Machine and they don't recognize my PV Site link. As far as the items, we can get into a lot of Collections through the Wayback Machine, but it's another egg hunt unless someone specifies the links of their own Item Collections. I hope you can get as many Items as you can back whatever way you choose. 🙂

  • @rainheartart Yes it can be an egg hunt to find the collections, but for the animals, I just typed in animals for the name of the collection and a number of collections were available. So if it is a standard name, many collections can be found. I agree with you that we need to get them however we choose.


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