What's the most you'll spend/you have spent on makeup?
@freezespell My store sells Essence, I love it! Their stuff is so cheap but most of it actually works pretty well. All of my mascaras and gel eyeliners are by them lol
@lilsadgal I've definitely spent a lot over the years, it adds up pretty fast lol. Never spent 60 dollars on one thing tho
But I'm not one to talk - I spent 200 dollars on one of my pairs of Demonias but I love them so,,,it's justified.
i spend a little too much! lol. i love grabbing free samples whenever i can though to feed my addiction. if i'm not spending any money, i feel a bit better. sephora's vib sale is coming up soon and i am SO tempted to buy the things that have been my cart for a while
if you haven't tried elf https://www.elfcosmetics.com/home or shopmissa https://www.shopmissa.com/ though, they actually have some good quality products for really cheap!
@allie I love elf! They have really great quality for such a low price - I just don't buy from them much because I get most of my makeup at the store I work at and we don't carry elf
A close friend of mine uses shopmissa - she has recommended it to me a couple of times. I keep meaning to actually buy stuff from there but I'm lazy when it comes to online shopping haha stuff gets stuck in my cart and never leaves.
I think the most I've ever spent on makeup was around 30€, but I'm not much of a makeup person tbh.
I rather spend my money on clothing tbh, but the most I've spent was on bronzer..around 50€
I have a $64 foundation (the most expensive product I own) that works so well. My cousin bought it for me for Christmas last year and I absolutely love it.
I know this thread is old, but I just found it so
I think the most I've spent on one product was $22USD (about $30 in Australia, which is where I live) on the Fame palette from Colourpop. But, I was fully prepared to spend $76 Australian dollars on the Urban Decay Born to Run palette.. unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it), it was out of stock when I went to buy it. -
It is not my make up itself that I spend much money on. I don't really wear much make up. Rather I do not wear it often. I have spent 200 or more or my cleanser, moisturizer, toner, eye serum etc. I intend to fight age every step of the way. I recent months i have had to lower my budget for these items. I can tell the difference. My skin is suffering for it.