@aaliyahjh yes, ZIP only.
@nouramj unfortunately not. POLYVORE does not provide that data in a downloaded file.
@wintermoon you need to import entire ZIP file, so basically you need to import them all.
@olivpear Thank you anyway!
@olivpear Is there any way we could get back our items (the saved/liked items) from polyvore ?
@violettaenvivo unfortunately not. POLYVORE does not provide that data in a downloaded file.
@olivpear oh okay ;( Thanks for answering!
I have about 9000 sets and I wait really too long when I try to upload them! Do you think I will be able to upload all these sets?
Hi, I'm so glad ex-Polyvorians have found a new home. I uploaded my sets but it's been 24 hours and still nothing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. : (
Hi, i followed the directions. Right now i don't see things on my profile, but i know that it takes a while. Anyways, i'm worried about the fact that in Polyvore i never had sets, only drafts. Will they be imported?
Sorry for bad english and thank you -
Thank you so much for telling us about this! It's great to have my old Polyvore sets back!
Hi, I successfully uploaded all my sets, thank you very much!
But is it possible to edit them as well?
I tried to edit some to see if I can save the things out of them, but it just won't stop loading, it never shows the set in the editor. -
My sets downloaded as a folder of Jpegs, not a zip file. How can I upload them to my profile?
Thanks -
@rue926 Just pack them with winrar.
It's not working and I've been waiting a couple hours...
Hi @olivpear, I only want to know if this system has a Clipper like Polyvore have. If so, please tell me how to get it and how it works clipping images from other websites. Thank U, eclat
@emcf3548 Please just let me know how do you clip new items since pv doesn't send us elements we used .. Is there a Clipper Tool here?.. Thank you!
@eclat you have to go to ur profile page and click items
go to item and right click
click copy image address
come back to page and click add items button
[right click and paste in URL
click send
then u may have to refresh page to se if image or item was added -
@emcf3548 ohhh... you replied so quickly.. thanks a lot, my dear.. I don't know if I'll success, but your explanation is perfect... Wish me luck! See you
@eclat I had a few problems at first all to my own fault but it works good luck but let me know I have added quite a few items