Updating sets
Bad news dear Urstylers, I just edited as "public" one of the drafts that I edited yesterday as "private" and it doesn't appear in the last published ones. I think we're going to lose it all
Yes now! They have taken, but finally they have been edited!
@admin If I am correct, you are going to update the site and once you do, any Set created before the update will not be editable. This means that if I publish my Drafts as Private in an effort to save them, I will have to do so before the update, since you've stated that Drafts may be lost too. Yet, if I do this before the update, then they will not be editable anyway....
May I ask why the ability to modify Sets before your update is being removed as part of that update?
@admin would be nice if you gave people exact date the website will be down. Instead of a vague "next week". Plus with different time zones that would be finishing not same. This 24h or 48h is pretty confusing for when people can complete sets by. Don't want sets lost because of confusion of when the site starts to be having maintenance.
But, least you've given some kind of warning this time.
If we download out drafts to our hard drive can they then be uploaded & edited @admin?
Another solution to saving drafts before the update is to save all the items in each set to "likes" & then put the set together again in the "create" space, finish it, then publish it.
@romaboots Good idea, or publish as a private Set and then LIKE the items from there -- and rebuild the whole damn thing! LOL!
@romaboots yes, you can download your drafts and this operation should be enough to keep them
@admin I’m happy that the maintenance is finished. But I’m having some issues with creating a new contest. Since this morning every time I tried to publish my new contest, it says “An error occurred”. Is this feature still being updated or can you help me fix this issue?
@vvccourtz hey sweetie. also wanted to make sure you knew that in the winner’s tab for finished contests, the winners are showing up , but they are followed by all the other entries. Not just in your contest https://urstyle.fashion/contest/5439-winter-blues but everyone who finished a contest after the update.
@fassionista i hope they will fix this issue as soon as they can. Just hoping to get a reply from them so we will know what to do!🥰
@vvccourtz looks like the winner tab issue has been fixed di it seems like they’re on it! I am going to check out the issue you brought up next to see it that’s been fixed too
@fassionista thank you so much dear for your help! 🥰
@malenafashion27 yup we have. Plus we lost most of our items that we have clipped and liked. If it was only items from over a year ago I'd be OK with it. But, lots of my most recent items have disappeared.
@dotingsage none of the items has been lost. In all my messages at this thread you will find this information. Items are indexing, most of them back, maybe 20% left to be indexed and they will also back in the next hours
@vvccourtz Working on it
@admin it would have been useful to have explained what's going on. So many people are freaking out thinking items have vanished.
A warning would be helpful.If you want to get rid of items to free up server space, maybe get rid of items that are duplicated in the arts section.
Or what polyvore did, and delete clothing items that had sold out in stores. -
@admin I read every single message on this thread. I cant see this message of the items coming back or talk of items being catalogued until you answered my question. Please be thorough with your explanation of what maintenance will contain in future. Or there will be lots of confusion.
I wish you could send emails when doing a major upgrade like this one. I’ve lost 25 drafts. I’ve have not been on URSTYLE in several weeks and didn’t get any notice. I rarely use social media where I know you’ve posted before.
I do appreciate all the work you all do!