The Great Home Page Discussion: The Aftermath

  • Hey everyone! It's been about two to three days since I put out my highly discussed post addressing "The Great Featured Set/Home Page Dilemma". This post is about all that I've learned through this process!

    1. I learned that despite everything that changed about this feature, the automated system isn't so bad and is an unbiased solution that allows for a lot more users to get on the page, exposure to a lot of different styles, and address the business side of URSTYLE.

    2. No system is going to be perfect. There were flaws in my proposal that many of you mentioned, as there were in every system that URSTYLE has brought forward. Not everyone is going to be happy, you can't please everyone, and that is a reality of life.

    3. I learned that there is a lot more to the community that I didn't know, but this process confirmed the one thing that I did: This community is receptive, open, and polite and everyone does their best to support everyone even when they disagree. I feel this is an essential aspect of why I appreciate the URSTYLE community so much and I thank everyone of you who have been a part of this process, by being supportive or giving me good feedback to help me learn things I didn't know before! ❤

    4. And most importantly, that even though something may seem out of your control and that you can't do anything to change it, you can. I discovered that being brave enough to even open the discussion allowed for opportunities of change! Even if nothing changes, which is a perfectly acceptable outcome, I now know that admin is receptive to user's ideas and that is a valuable thing to know. 😊

    My idea was just that: an idea. There are essential things that need to be changed about it, it isn't perfect, and I have no idea what's going to happen next.

    However, I thank all of you who have supported me, gave me constructive feedback, and overall joined me on this journey! For now, I'm just going to continue creating not for the sake of others but because I enjoy it (and have for years) , which is something that I feel that every creator should strive for. If you figure out why you create and why you are on this platform, you will enjoy your time using the platform much more 😃

    Have a Nice Day!


    Fashion, Fashion, Fashion
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    Comments (6)

  • Very Insightful & Well Said!

  • This was beautifuly written and so spot on, I whole-heatedly agree with you my friend 🙂 ❤

  • Was just telling a friend last night that sometimes this site is the only thing that keeps me sane these days. It's a relief to come here and rest my eyes on some of the fabulous creations people here make.

    It's also much-needed immersion. It takes me forever to make a set--hours, sometimes spread out over a few days in chunks of time--but that's good because my job takes a lot out of me and it's hard to shake it off at the end of the day unless something else completely absorbs my attention. URSTYLE allows me to engage my brain in a different way, and I have to think rather hard about what goes where, filler or white space, boarder or not, etc. So for me, it's the creative journey in addition to the beauty and the camaraderie.

  • Fashion, Fashion, Fashion

    @zenzalei I think that is very well said and I wholeheartedly agree! As a student, I don't have a full time job but I do understand how URSTYLE can provide a much needed escape to all of the current world situations right now. For me, I just graduated high school and COVID-19 pretty much impacted my entire year and also gave me a LOT of extra time on my hands. It's awesome to have a place to just create and let my mind relax for a little while!

  • Fashion, Fashion, Fashion

    @sheila-l Thank you so much!

  • Fashion, Fashion, Fashion

    @heavenly-spider Thank you dear that means a lot!

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