Tip account Girlies-tip2.0

  • Hey guys, I'm here to tell you about new tips on my tip account @Girlies-tip2-0
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    You can audition to help create own tips in link above.

    The account shares tips and advice to help you out. From topics from mental health, easy recipes, fashion and beauty etc... These tip sets were popular on Polyvore with loads of sets created to help the lovely community. I'd love it if you can get helped out yourself!

    1-Here's an example of the outfit ideas we put together. Sometimes sets show outfit photos to give you ideas for different events and wearing certain items. The description share more info on the look. Other times we create our own outfits like serval mini urstyle sets in one tip.
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    2-We recently introduced more personal advice tips. Mental health topics like anxiety help you in everyday life. We aim to give more advice that you can request if you need help.
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    3-Beauty advice is another area the account features. From hacks to different style to try out. It's a great place to learn and try new looks. Makeup and hairstyles and tips feature a lot.
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    4-Diys and craft makes pop up from time to time. Can be art hacks, room decor or simple upcycling ideas. All easy ideas you can try yourself.
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    5-Many tips are about interior design. From interior trends, to styling tips. All to help you with different aspects of decorating your home. You can learn a lot of new skills and gain ideas for styling your room here.
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    You can audition and request tips and advice from @Girlies-tip2-0 bio links.

    Cheap but Trendy
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    Comments (1)

  • This is absolutely great and well worth checking out on Urstyle!! One of the best accounts there is

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