Domain migration and short Q&A
Dear community,
we are testing a new domain names: and
a lot of you have questions about this migration and other features, here you can read our answers!What is that mean?
Using the old domain ( you can see a popup message with counter and cancel button. After 9 seconds you will be redirected to the new (currently tested) domain. You can stay at pressing cancel button, but we are recommending to log in on the new domain and use the new one.- Created sets, added items and any actions done by you will be published on all domains at the same time. So there is * no difference if you are using pl, com or fashion.
- All accounts and login details are exactly the same on all domains, if you have log in trouble, please try reset your password.
- In the past days we were testing PL domain, today we will move to FASHION domain name
Why do you test new domains?
We are testing new domains to display advertisements. They are very important for us to keep URSTYLE alive and pay bills for the servers.When will you add fixes for the clipper tool, new tab "who's liking my set", badges for supporters and other features?
We will back to the active development after securing finances. Right now our priority is to keep URSTYLE online.Can I disable this ads?
Not yet, but we will give that possibility our supporters. You can join them and help us developing URSTYLE
I can't donate or be a official supporter, how can I help you?
- You can share a posts about URSTYLE at facebook, twitter and other social media.
- You can post videos and tutorials at youtube or blogs how to create sets at URSTYLE.
- You can download our mobile apps (iOS, android) and leave positive feedback
The more users will hear about URSTYLE, the more advertisers and cooperations we can get and the more features we will be able to deliver for you.
From the begining URSTYLE has been created by and for the community. It depends on you, how it will look like in the future
@admin thank you for the updates and all the hard work.
What if you display the supporter / donate button beside the create button, at least for now? An effective call-to-action button has to take users 3 seconds or less to see. The human attention span is very short. Plus, language barriers and low literacy levels are real.
I don’t know if you guys ever heard of Canva. It’s certainly a good business model for URSTYLE. Cheers!
@admin Thank you for all that you do!! Is there any way to also offer the option of a one time donation rather than a monthly commitment?
Thank you so much for all the hard work and testing to keep URSTYLE alive for all of us . The old POLYVORE members who found a new home at URSTYLE sure agree with me and really appreciate it very much
Thank you so much. For everything you are doing. And for keeping us in the loop. I am happy to be a proud Patreon supporter.
Best wishes! Always grateful for this platform! Looking forward to all that is to come! -
@fashionmonkey I agree with you. I wouldn't mind paying a fee to have access all of the time.
@arjanadesign Suggestion become a supporter, if your not already. Amounts to suit the budget are available. Cheers Ollie
@jesuisunlapin thank you for all tips
! we are considering and testing all options
@admin this is how Wikipedia is asking for help right now:
@admin hello! How do I restore my old profil back? Or how do I get my sets back? Please help!
@ljubacelo1 what you mean? if you were using urstyle before, you can still use it with the same user and password data.
@admin Sadly, no! My profil is empty! I have been using Urstyle for over a year! My sets are gone! I had over 600sets!I keep getting a window that is mistake, to try again later. PLEASE HELP ME! Thank you!
@ljubacelo1 please send your email associated with that account at [email protected] , we will check that
This post is deleted! -
@admin Thank you so much!
@ljubacelo1 And?
@ljubacelo1 Hi sweetie, when I go to your profile I can see all your 678 sets, they're all there, just want you to know.
@daizy Thanks a lot,but I don,t see them,and I can,t hit that profile of mine.And I,m very sad.Hope someone from Urstyle help me!