July 2019 Reading Wrap Up

  • So this July I somehow managed to finish reading 21 books (though admittedly 6 of them were graphic novels), which is quite possibly the largest number of books I have ever read in a single month so of course I need to discuss this somewhere. I’ve decided here is the place since I no longer run a book blog or a Polyvore zine. If I keep up reading properly, I might make this a monthly thing. Anyway, I’ll list the books mostly in the order that I finished them, give them a star rating out of 5, share their Goodreads link and then give a short no-spoilers review. Let’s go 🙂

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    Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36524806-begin-end-begin
    2.75/5 stars

    As far as short story collections go, I guess this one was okay. I sort of realised throughout reading this that I prefer short stories that don’t try to condense a whole novel into 40 pages - and that’s what this was. It felt like most of the stories were trying to rush to get their point across, which was a little sad. I did enjoy some of them though, especially the one by Ellie Marney - but of course, that was because it revisited some characters from her Every series that I had liked, not on the short story’s own merits. If you’re looking to try out some Australian YA authors though, I’d recommend this.

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    Paper Girls Volume 4

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35989512-paper-girls-vol-4
    4/5 stars

    I started reading the Paper Girls sci-fi graphic novel series this year, and so far I am really enjoying it. I love the characters and all the flat-out weird things that happen. It’s recommended for fans of Stranger Things and I definitely second that comparison. Volume 4 was a great addition to the series, answering some questions, but not all. I’m looking forward to reading the next instalment.

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    Changeless (Parasol Protectorate #2) by Gail Carriger

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/6933876-changeless
    4.25/5 stars

    As much as I loved Soulless, the first book in this historical paranormal series, I enjoyed Changeless even more. I love all the characters, especially Alexia, and find myself smiling just thinking about the story. I even laughed out loud several times during this one. If it weren’t for the cliffhanger ending (which may as well have knocked my feet out from under me), I think this one would have been a full 5 stars. Nevertheless, it has earned a spot among my favourites.

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    The Gilded Wolves (The Gilded Wolves #1) by Roshani Chokshi

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/39863498-the-gilded-wolves
    3.5/5 stars

    Another book where the ending has caused a reduction in my enjoyment. This YA fantasy set in 1889 Paris had me thinking it might be a new favourite in the first few chapters. I loved the atmosphere, plot and a couple of the characters, but unfortunately it didn’t live up to my hopes for it. I kind of wish this had been a standalone and that a few of the characters had been further developed - some of them seemed more like caricatures than actual characters to me. The whole last part of this novel made me so very annoyed, not sad - as I expect was intended. Oh, and if I ever have to read Severin describing Laila’s goddamn rosewater and sugar perfume again I will flip a table.

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    Little Darlings by Melanie Golding

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/45570144-little-darlings
    4/5 stars

    Little Darlings is such a creepy mystery that also sheds light on the real world issue of postnatal psychosis with themes that will leave you thinking long after you’ve read the final chapter. We follow two perspectives - that of Lauren, who has just given birth to twins and that of Detective Jo Harper, whose first entrance had me befuddled as she was described as wearing a skirt along with those shoes that fit your feet like gloves. Fortunately, I did grow to love her over the course of the novel, though I felt a much stronger connection (and protective instinct) for Lauren. Highly recommend!

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    The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42201431-the-unhoneymooners
    3.5/5 stars

    This seems to be a theme of the month - but once again, the end portion of a novel has lowered its rating for me. I adored the first half of this hate-to-love romance. Though Olive annoyed me a teensy bit, she was also hilarious and the ridiculous situations she and Ethan find themselves in had me gripped. Then the plot changed directions and I found myself just waiting for it to be over. Still, it was overall very enjoyable.

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    Vicious (Villains #1) by V. E. Schwab

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42289412-vicious
    2/5 stars

    Here we have my least favourite book of the month. I was so hoping - even expecting - to love this sci-fi, especially considering its average rating of 4.25 on Goodreads. Unfortunately I didn’t connect with the characters and found myself enjoying the chapters from “10 years ago” more than any of the ones in the present. I wish there had been more time spent in the 10 years ago section - I think I would have then cared more about the characters and felt the tragedy of Victor and Eli’s relationship more deeply.

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    Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35011521-starfish
    4/5 stars

    I must admit that I found this YA contemporary a little unrealistic, but I loved it all the same. The romance was cute and the main character was oh-so-relatable, especially in terms of how she experiences social anxiety. Being a painter, there was a paragraph at the end of most chapters explaining what Kiko drew or painted that day, and it was always described beautifully and tied into what was happening in her life at that point. Kiko’s relationship with her mum - and the rest of her family - did make this an emotional read too.

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    Persuasion by Jane Austen

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2567909-persuasion
    4/5 stars

    What can I say? It’s Jane Austen. This is only the second book of hers that I’ve read (the first being Pride and Prejudice), but it didn’t let me down. I absolutely loved the main character of Anne and found myself smiling at the antics of her sisters. I so desperately wanted Anne to end up happy that I kept reading, even though I did hit a point that dragged a little. I’m looking forward to reading another of her works - any recommendations?

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    Revenge by Yoko Ogawa, translated by Stephen Snyder

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17789899-revenge
    4/5 stars

    Now this is how a short story collection should be done! All these stories were so creepy and the connections between them served to amplify the uneasiess I felt whilst reading. Some of the stories are new favourites and I’ll remember this book for a long time.

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    Saga Volumes 1 - 5

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/26715561-saga-vol-1
    4/5, 3/5, 3/5, 3/5 & 3/5 stars

    These sci-fis really bring another meaning to the term “graphic novel”. The first in the series was so original and different that I was able to put my issues with it aside and just enjoy it (hence the 4 stars instead of 5). As it’s gone on though, I’ve noticed the plots getting weaker, less fun and an increase in unnecessary crude situations and accompanying illustrations. Still, I plan to read the series to the end.

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    The Secret History by Donna Tartt

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29044.The_Secret_History
    4/5 stars

    You may or may not know this, but If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio has been my favourite new-to-me book that I’ve read this year, and since then, I have had multiple recommendations of The Secret History, as both are mystery novels focused on a group of close-knit students in prestigious colleges. I do appreciate the comparison, but I still enjoyed If We Were Villains much more. But this review is supposed to be for The Secret History, so I’ll get around to that, lol. I enjoyed the dynamic between the characters and the writing was nice. I did feel it ran a little long and at times I was wondering what was going to happen that was so important that the novel needed to keep going. It was often subtle which made the key events all the more impactful - and it sure proved why it was worth reading to the end.

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    Blameless (Parasol Protectorate #3) by Gail Carriger

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18295864-blameless
    4/5 stars

    I didn’t find this instalment to the series to be as funny as the last two, but it was nonetheless a great reading experience. I still loved Alexia and all the other characters. I’m looking forward to the next one.

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    Middlegame by Seanan McGuire

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/41893832-middlegame
    3/5 stars

    The second half of a book strikes again! The first half was great - I loved the characters and enjoyed the confusion of not knowing exactly what was going on. Unfortunately, I felt like I lost grip on the personalities of the main two characters in the second half and there was no where near enough payoff or explanation for the confusion I had previously experienced which made me feel frustrated and even a little bit bored by this alchemy-focused sci-fi/fantasy. I think the pacing was also a lot better in the first half.

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    Radio Silence by Alice Oseman

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40943108-radio-silence
    5/5 stars

    My second 5 star book for the year! I was told this was good and I was not disappointed. I connected so much to the characters in this YA contemporary that explores the pressure to attend university. The whole story really resonated with me and I loved the friendship between the main two characters so much.

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    If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29470648-if-i-was-your-girl
    3/5 stars

    This is a really important contemporary YA following Amanda - who used to be Andrew - and her struggles in moving schools. I am definitely glad that I read this and if you like books that are short and straight to the point, then I think you will really enjoy this. I wish there had been more depth to the plot and side characters. And less insta-love. If I had read this 5 years ago, I think I would have liked it a lot more.

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    The Cure For Dreaming by Cat Winters

    FIND IT ON GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23437316-the-cure-for-dreaming
    4/5 stars

    I love, love, loved this YA historical, paranormal novel. Right from the first page the atmosphere grabbed me and the characters had me charmed, especially the main character Olivia and the hypnotist Henri. I also enjoyed all the positive relationships. A great feminist novel, though I do wish there were some more nuanced conversations, rather than the black-and-white view this book tends to offer.

    So that’s all my reviews for the month of July! If you want to see more in-depth reviews in the future or have any other suggestions, leave me a comment. Let me know if you have read or plan to read any of these 🙂 Also I finished the final season of Still Game this week so if you want to cry about that with me, shoot me a message, lol.

    Battle of the Books
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    Comments (9)


    are you just reading parasol protectorate, or do you intend to read/have you read finishing school + custard protocol as well?

    i will be back to read this more in depth as it is currently 2 am, but i am FREAKING OUT

  • Battle of the Books

    @ayzrules lmao yes I finally got around to it! I'm only on Parasol Protectorate right now, but am definitely planning to read the rest of her work as soon as I can. I'm only held back by waiting for the library, aha.

  • Ummmm I love this post and really hope you do one for August!! As an avid reader myself it makes me happy to see and read others’ book reviews!

  • Battle of the Books

    @filthysoul I'm so glad you enjoyed it 🙂 Do you have a Goodreads account or anywhere that you talk about what you're reading?


    @forebodinq ugh yes yes YES. if you ever want an online version of some of the novellas she has, @ me bc i found free pdfs. also i have some of them on my kindle (legally, lmao) so am willing to screenshot for u

    but isn't it SO GOOD???? u understand why i was always freaking out in the botb sets now right?????????/

  • Battle of the Books

    @ayzrules Aaaah thank you so much, I will let you know!

    YES omg it really is that good! I enjoy reading them so much. Totally understand the freaking out :') I am so glad you encouraged me to pick them up.


    @forebodinq YAYYYY i'm so glad!!!! ❤ ❤

  • Top Sets

    I've also read Little Darlings and I honestly didn't really get the hype, but it was okay. Creepy, indeed.
    I am currently reading The Gilded Wolves. Halfway through it and it just feels like e 3.5 stars for me too

  • Battle of the Books

    @teodoramaria98 Sorry to hear you didn't love Little Darlings and that it seems The Gilded Wolves isn't going amazingly for you either.

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