Saving environment when traveling guide.

  • Hey urstyle users, here are some tips to help save the environment. Blog post number 2 of my travel series.
    I know climate change is a hot topic this year Here's how to o your part and still see the world.

    1-Don't hire a car-
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    Walk,cycle or take public transport. Lots of countries have excellent cycle lanes and places you can hire a bicycle for our holiday.
    Taking a car is a lot of carbon pollution. If a car is a must then try opting for a hybrid one. Please avoid car where possible it will not only save you money but also the planet.

    2-Avoid plane travel-
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    Of course airplanes are quicker but are top mode of transport for pollution. Try taking a train or boat for your holiday. Visit places that are nearer to where you live. It could be extra fun taking alternative mode of transport. You can go through all of Europe by train for example. (visit many countries on one vacation).

    3-Reuse bottle-
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    Take a fillable drinks bottle. Save on plastic pollution. Perfect for taking sightseeing or trip to beach. Many cafes and tourist sights have places to fill them up. Or ask at your hotel to fill it up before your day out.

    4-stay on paths-
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    Keep to paths on walks and sightseeing. If you don't you could damage ecosystems and environment. You might think it great to go off the beaten track but be mindful of what you are harming by walking over it. All the erosion and upset of local wildlife can be minimised.

    5-shop local-
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    Avoid supermarkets and big department stores and malls. Try local markets and independent smaller shops. This way you can limit the plastic use, try local produce, help the local economy and buy products that used less travel miles.

    6-Act mindful in hotel-
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    What I mean is act like you would at home. Don't think just because you payed for it you can have a shower daily. Think of water useage and plastic waste when it comes to staying at a hotel. Don't order extra towels as that causes more washing. Turn f electronics such as TV.

    7-Pack lightly-
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    The mre you pack, the more gas/fuel is used when traveling. Also less cost to you as you'll save money on paying for extra luggage allowance. Take out items you wont need. Think minimalist. You can share some toiletries within a family e.g. shampoo.

    8-Eat local-
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    Eat like a local. If you buy food not local to area you are staying in you are getting food that's gone more miles. Cut down on food that's come from far away. It will only cause more pollution. Try the food native to the area. Experience the place like locals would. If in doubt ask your hotel for eating out recommendations. (or where ever you're staying).

    Thanks for reading.
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