Eco friendly fashion (ways to help the environment)

  • Fast fashion is harming the environment. Please help make more sustainable choices when buying clothing.

    -It takes around 7,000 liters of water to produce one single pair of jeans.
    -Polyester is one of the most harmful fabrics for the environment. It's not biodegradable and takes about 20-200 years to decompose.
    Also uses harmful chemicals such as carcinogens. When these chemicals go into air and water it is damaging to the environment.

    H&M Recycle clothes:…/shop-by-f…/16r-garment-collecting.html
    %(#9c389c)[H&M recycle clothes in exchange for a voucher. Nothing goes to landfill.
    Isn't that amazing for the environment? Also they don't have to be fit to wear anymore. Just hand them into the cash desk.]

    If you wish to know which fabrics are more eco-friendly then click this link:
    link text

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    Things you can do to help environment when buying fashion:
    -buy less clothing
    -recycle garments. not have items sat in landfill. Least give to charity/thrift store
    -purchase eco-friendly fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo and linen. (Not man made fabric like polyester)
    -Look for sustainable ranges in stores.
    -Buy less single use plastic. Be it toiletries or any product you buy.
    -avoid bleached clothes as the bleaching process produces vast amount of harmful toxins.
    -Buy local. This cuts down on travel miles making it more sustainable.
    -Avoid fast fashion. Least pick items that are more natural.
    -Avoid plastic bags when shopping. Bring own bag. Plastic bags pollute the oceans and harm wildlife.
    -Find organic and vegan options for your fashion.

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    I'm not saying be boring with your fashion and lose your individuality . Just be more aware fast fashion is harming our planet. If more of us made smarter choices with clothing, our planet will be able to survive longer. More animals and nature will not get destroyed/harmed.
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