How to have healty hair?
1 month ago I found out about some ingredients that are very bad in shampoos, shower gels, makeup powders etc. I open this topic here because maybe you didn't know this or you have some experience to share with us with this topic. I usually never looked ingredients in shampoos that I am buying. I just smell it and say oh it is so nice I need to try this one, or just looking a price that I can afford.
Every shampoo with: SODIUM LAURYL, SULFOACATATE(SLSA), SODIUM MYRETH SULFATE, TEA LAURETH SULFATE, SODIUM LAURETH SULPHATE(SLES), SILICONE are very bad, dangerous and not healthy. Try to search about this on internet. Usually all products with good ads on tv etc, like nivea, schauma, dove, syoss, head&sholders etc. are not healthy. I was so shocked about this because those products and even some more expensive one are also not healthy. Some shampoos with bad ingredients, very bad are like $100. I always had problems with my hair of these bad things.- Now I am trying to use natural shampoos, some cream to repair my hair(WITHOUT THESE INGREDIENTS). All natural products that will "feed" my hair. I can say it's looking very nice but I am still waiting to wash all this chemistry that I used years and years, from my hair.
I wanna hear some experiences here? What do you think about all this?
Ps. I really like this page because we can share everything, and discuss about everything.
- Now I am trying to use natural shampoos, some cream to repair my hair(WITHOUT THESE INGREDIENTS). All natural products that will "feed" my hair. I can say it's looking very nice but I am still waiting to wash all this chemistry that I used years and years, from my hair.
Draga, ja zaista nemam loša iskustva u vezi ovoga iz prostog razloga, što ih jednostavno NE koristim (dobro, ne baš nikada, ali veoma retko). Zvuči kao reklama, ali sam veoma zadovoljna PALMOLIVE šamponima, kao i svim Schwarzkopf proizvodima za negu kose. Mogu dodati još i da sam prezadovoljna Avon proizvodima, prosto odgovaraju mojoj kosi i koži. Eto, nadam se da sam bar malo pomogla. Veliki pozdrav!
@wildnature Vjerujem, i ja sam bila. Nisam htjela da se osvrnem malo i istrazim. Ali neki sastojci koje svakodnevno koristimo su jako stetni. Nece se sada osjetiti ali za nekoliko godina hoce. Kod mene je kosa jako osjetljiva, brzo se masti bas od ovih sastojaka koje sam nabrojala, cak me nekad i svrbilo tjeme i sve mislim sad je vrijeme da perem kosu. A ustvari sve sto nanosimo na kozu utice jako lose vremenom. Npr ja sam promijenila garnier bb kremu koju sam koristila iako nisam imala nikakvih losih posljedica, jer sam saznala da sastojci u toj kremi su jako stetni (glycol-koji utice na hormone, hydrogenated polyisobutane- to je parafin ustv, cetyl palmitate -palmino ulje koje je kancerogeno i nylon-12- mikroplastika) dakle i kancerogeno nesto. Naravno nece se u startu dobiti rak, Boze sacuvaj ali vremenom moze. Zato ima dosta djevojaka i zena koje koriste i dezodoranse lose, gelove za tusiranje i tako zavrse i na opercijama dojki. Ja sam to sve u startu promijenila. Pocela sam pratiti jednu djevojku na instagramu koja sve lijepo objasnjava, pa sam i ja htjela da prenesem tu sve sto znam. Ne spominjem sta koristim sada da ljudi ne bi pomislili da je reklama i sl.