Create Board - Image/Item problems

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans Dear, the admin checked your set and told me that you will need to crop your items because of their invisible background - they take up more space around them than the actual item size (check the screenshot):


    As for the invisible items - could you give me more details about that? Do you mean that your items won't load in Chrome? Please let me know 🙂

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans P.S. Those gray rectangles (on the screenshot in my previous reply) mark how much space the item takes up - that is why your set was published smaller. You just need to crop your items to avoid this problem 🙂

  • @vn1ta Thank you for this advice. When I make the next set I will make sure that I follow these instructions

  • @vn1ta This is what I see in Firefox--this is a draft set-- I will try and send another msg with the chrome version - at the moment I am stuggling with uploading the chrome version..v


  • @vn1ta ok this is what I see in chrome...If I select the 2nd box (on the right) I will see the picture of the sideboard.. but I do not want the white background feature. As you can see the top "crop" box is selected which means I should only see the sideboard, but instead I only see the grey outline. the items are there if I were to use the mouse and hover or click on the images, just not displaying.. Sincere thanks again for all your help so far !!! <3...In the end I might delete this set - as I am not happy with it completely- but it would be good to know what I can do to fix this problem if it occurs in the future. All the best.. v


  • @vn1ta.... I forgot to mention..I am unable to create new sets in chrome too, because I have the same problem (ie: items become invisible)..

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans Thank you for your detailed responses and screenshots, dear 🙂
    I would suggest to please turn off ad-blocker for Urstyle, if you are using one. It is possible that ad-blocker disrupts normal processes on the site, as most ad-blockers tend to do.

    As for invisible items , it happened to me just last night on Chrome (after saving draft in Mozilla)! Anyway, what worked for me was moving the scrollbar for item visibility (marked on the pic below). Please try this and let me know if it works 💝


  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans P.S. By moving scrollbar I meant to move the black dot on it left-right to see if you item appears then 🙂

  • @vn1ta 0_1535671188085_d4313fa7-270a-4ec3-86e3-e4cb097662ec-image.png

    ad block has been disabled...and I have tried moving the scrollbar extreme right to extreme left and middle with no change. I sincerely appreciate you trying to fix this problem...I might just stay with firefox for the time being and try chrome again early next wishes and have a good weekend. (it's fathers day here on sunday so I will not get a chance to look at urstyle for ❤

  • Magazine Look

    @vkevans Thank you for letting me know about this. I have conveyed the info to the site administrator. Keep using Mozilla for now - until the problem gets resolved 💝 Have a nice weekend! 🙂


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