Bardziej i mniej znani polscy projektanci, wasze ulubione pokazy z polskiej sceny mody!
@joktojotta bardzo chetnie, ale musze sie nauczyc jeszcze jak "uzywyac" URSTYLE!
Vasina is a label created by Polish designer and stylist Vasina Maćkowiak. The collection includes easy-to-wear essentials and accessories. They distinguish themselves with geometrical forms, energetic colors, and sophisticated or funny details. All pieces combine contemporary, youthful spirit with a little touch of 70 and 80-ties. Vasina is known for her long-time cooperation with Polish singer Monika Brodka. She has been responsible for Brodka’s stage and artistic image. She is also the owner and designer of VASINA STUDIO – a tailor-made luxury brand, founded in 2016.
A/W 17/18
@joktojotta Bardzo podoba mi się ten styl. Co prawda nie wszystkich znam, ale jak widzę są ekstra!