Behind the Scenes: How I Make an Organized Set

  • Hey everyone! I hope all of you are having a good morning ๐Ÿ˜„ As you all may know, in my group Trending Today the quick contests are designed to encourage users to try to make organized sets and to support users that do make organized sets by giving them a place/contest where their sets can gain more visibility! That being said, I've recently been getting a lot of questions about how to make an organized set, and what quantifies as an organized set.] The second point I have gone over in a post within the group Trending Today which I will link here ( This post has examples of what are typical things that aren't included in an organized set that are included in normal magazine style sets, as well as examples!

    However, I thought a better way to address these questions and a fun blog post for you guys was to give you a step-by-step behind the scenes look into what goes on in my head when I am making an organized set! I will be making a set for the latest quick contest in my group, the theme being Luxury Fashion!

    1. I first start off with the base square frame that I use to make every single one of my sets, organized or not. If you want to use this base square frame, it is in a collection of its own on my profile titled base square] (
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    2. After that, I usually try to find the main focal point of the set. I usually use pants, sometimes I use a dress. It can be done with shorts and a shirt too but I use pants almost 95% of the time. I used the pants shown here because I am planning on entering this set into the floral pants contest! (more on this later)]
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    3) Next up, the top! I usually hunt for a top either in my liked items, my collections, or just finding one from the fashion tab if I am looking for a specific style. I usually don't know specifically what I'm looking for when I find items but I know when I see it! For this one I wanted to use a Chanel style jacket but in white because the one in my organized set items collection was black.
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    1. Sometimes, I'll flip the top upside down so it best fits along the line of the pants! It looks so much better as a finished product when items line up together in the best possible way! After finding a top and arranging it, I'll usually look for a bag! I put the bag usually near a corner because of the shape of the bag and the bottom of the bag gives a semblance of an edge. After these three items are placed in the set, I usually can determine what the color scheme of the set is going to be!]
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    2. After this, I found shoes that matched the color scheme I was going for of cream, black, and gold. They also had to give off a vibe of luxury ๐Ÿ˜Š I use the line of the pants as a base for where everything else would best fit!
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    3. Now the fillers! Fillers can be a WIDE range of things that you can put in your set, so it is sometimes hard to know what best to put in there. This is where determining what contests you want to enter the set into FIRST can be very helpful! I decided I wanted to try to enter this set into the pearls contest, luxury fashion contest, and the floral pants contest. That being said, now I know to add pearls in my set as one of my fillers and my other fillers can be guided by the notion of luxury items!
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    4. After this, I added more fillers that I got from my organized set items collection ( which you can use to gain inspiration and find items that I have used in one or many organized sets! I then rearranged things around accordingly.
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    5. Finally, after I felt I had filled up the space pretty well, it is time to add text! Text is of course not a requirement, you could fill up the rest of the space with more fillers. I just like to add text as a filler in order to bring my looks together and it's been a habit that I've been doing since my Polyvore days ๐Ÿ˜… So after finding some text (also in my collections, there is even one just for text and titles) I added it to the set and it was finished! Voila!
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    6. The last thing I had to do was save the draft. I always use song titles as my name for organized sets so I looked through my spotify playlists and picked one I thought matched the vibe of my set. In the description, I added my usual hashtags of my username and urstyle, some hashtags describing the set, the hashtag of contestentry and hashtags of all of the contests I was planning on entering the set into. This last tip is extreme helpful for me since if I don't post the set that day (which I usually don't) it can help me remember the contests that I was trying to aim for so when I do post it, I can just remove the border and enter the set!

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    And that's it! I know this was a bit long, but I hope this helped any of you who may have been confused or have questions! If you still need any advice or anything, feel free to private message me or post your questions in the comments below! Also, keep in mind there are many, many ways to make organized sets and this is just one of them! Here are some other users who also make organized sets:

    Have a great day!! ๐Ÿ’“

    Fashion, Fashion, Fashion
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    Comments (6)

  • I had a feeling you would make a blog post about this! ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Cool! Thank You for this information @mayblooms ! I'm slowly finding out that Sets have real definitions that people go by to create the incredible sets I see out there. I love it when these things are explained so that I can try new ideas too.

  • Chic Style

    This is FABULOUS! Thank you so much for sharing! I am sure this will be very helpful for so many of us! ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›

  • Lovely & Pretty

    I love learning a little bit more about your process! ๐Ÿ’›

  • Fashion, Fashion, Fashion

    Let me know if you guys would be interested in more posts like these for the other set styles I post on my page! ๐Ÿ’—

  • This is awesome! I knew people with organized sets must have some kind of protocol they were using for placing the items for a good looking fashion set but I was unsure of what that might be. Now I can see a good way of doing it! Thanks so much for sharing!

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