• For the past couple of days i have had a strange problem. Whenever I click on a set, such as to edit it, the entire UrStyle screen goes blank except for the very top line. The same thing happens when I click on a like or comment notification. Any ideas?

  • Poetry In Motion (Art Group)

    @kateolive Hi Kate, the only thing I can suggest, is to refresh your page and see if that works. On computer or screen it is top left curly arrow.

  • Dollie🍹Divas

    Have you recently uploaded an Ad-Blocker? I had done that and was having this same problem so I had to remove it and it all worked fine now. Blocking those whole page ads was nice but it also blocks our sets since they have ads on them as well and the blocker cannot determine the difference between and ad and the set. Hope that helps! 😊


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